DECEMBER 10TH - Arrives at the Miami International Airport

DECEMBER 9TH - Z100 & Coca-Cola All Access Lounge
9/12-11 så var Demo på " Z100 & Coca-Cola All Access Lounge där hon fotades och testade produkter? Haha. Jag gillar inte Demis outfit. (:

DECEMBER 5TH - Radio Now 100.9 SantaSlam 2011 - Meet & Greet

DECEMBER 5TH - Radio Now 100.9 SantaSlam 2011

Demi:s Nya personliga bilder.

Hon är fearless! Alltså lika vacker som vanligt.
DECEMBER 3RD - Rosemont Theatre Chicago, IL

DECEMBER 2ND - 107.5 The River Acoustic Christmas 2011 - Meet & Greet

DECEMBER 2ND - 107.5 The River Acoustic Christmas 2011

Demi is going Glamour.

Demi Lovato's Second Chance
Demi is featured in the January 2012 of Glamour Magazine with a GORGEOUS au naturel photoshoot! She looks STUNNING! We added a photo of the shoot to the Gallery!
At just 19, the sweet singer has already survived an eating disorder and a very public emotional breakdown. If anyone’s ready to be reborn, it’s Demi Lovato. See how she’s simplified her life—starting with her beauty routine! This time last year Demi Lovato had—it’s hard to believe—checked into a treatment center to get help for her struggles. And instead of the usual celebrity tactic (deny, deny, deny), Lovato has taken a much braver route: going public about her self-described meltdown and the childhood bullying she’s talked openly about, all in an effort to help other young women and girls. This winter Lovato embarks on a world tour for her perfectly named album Unbroken. We’re all ears.
Glamour: These pictures from the shoot are gorgeous. I love your new look. What is beautiful to you?
Demi Lovato: Having strength and confidence in yourself. I think that women who know who they are are beautiful.
Glamour: And do you feel like you’re there? Or are you still working on that?
DL: I feel like I’m there. I feel beautiful, you know? I feel strong, and I feel confident in who I am.
Glamour: What’s your go-to makeup?
DL: Concealer, foundation, blush, mascara. I can feel glamorous without makeup too, especially on my lips. They’re naturally reddish, so I often let them go.
9x27 The Walker Family

2 bilder från Verizon Theatre konsären!

NOVEMBER 26TH - Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie Grand Prairie, TX